Double Coin/CMA Add Two Regional Sales Managers to Team


Double Coin and CMA, a leading tire manufacturer and marketer is pleased to announce two new field placements: Rico Austin as Regional Sales Manager for the Southwest Region, and Bill Telefonow as Regional Sales Manager for the Canada Region.

“Our two new Regional Sales Managers bring a multitude of industry experience to our growing sales team,” said Aaron C. Murphy, Vice President of CMA. “With the expansion of our service footprint as well as additional requirements from the marketplace, we look forward to their contribution in supporting Double Coin and CMA success.”

With 15 years in the industry, Austin held several positions with Michelin North America, Continental Tire and most recently as Western Territory Manager for REMA Tip Top, NA. Austin is based out of Scottsdale, Arizona. Telefonow’s career includes more than 20 years of working in sales and management for several tire manufacturers, including Continental Tire Canada, and Kumho Tire Canada. Telefonow resides in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.